Make a donation to Smart Works Birmingham

Other ways to support

If you don’t want to donate via the button above, there are other ways you can give.


Regular committed support or a one-off donation will enable us to deliver our service and help more women immediately.

If you would like to make a donation you can do so on our JustGiving Page by clicking here.  Remember to add Gift Aid if you can.

If your donation is sizeable then it will be more beneficial to pay directly into our bank account to avoid the JustGiving charges.  Please get in touch with our Fundraising & Partnerships Manager Lilly Clements, who will provide our bank details.

Payroll Giving - Give as You Earn (GAYE)

Regularly donating a fixed sum of money from your salary is a simple way to give.  It is also the most tax effective because donations are deducted before you pay tax.

Please contact your payroll office and ask if your company runs a Give As You Earn (GAYE) scheme and tell them that you would like to donate to Smart Works Birmingham.

Corporate Partners

The support we receive from our corporate partners is fundamental to the success of our charity.  If you would like to make a one-off donation or make Smart Works Birmingham your charity of the year we would love to hear from you.

For BACS details please get in touch with our Fundraising & Partnerships Manager Lilly Clements who will provide our bank details.

For sponsorship opportunities please email us or call 0121 643 8109.