What is the address of Smart Works Birmingham?
321 Bradford Street
B5 6ET
How do I find Smart Works Birmingham?
We are located inside Howells Architects building which is just around the corner from Digbeth Coach Station.
Where do I park when I come to visit?
There are several public car parks close by in and around Digbeth, as well as fee paying on-street parking. If you are dropping off donations, you can pull into the car park for our building.
How do I book an appointment?
Smart Works Birmingham operates a referral system only. You will have received an appointment through your Referral Partner if you have a confirmed interview or you have a career coaching session.
If you have already been to see us for a first appointment and would like to book your Second Dressing, call us on 0121 643 8109 or email us. Please bring proof of employment to your Second Dressing. -
What happens if I don't get the job?
If you are unsuccessful in getting the job once you have seen us, you can book a follow up career coaching session, where the coach will spend an hour with you talking through interview feedback and looking at next steps.
What if I am running late or get lost?
Please do call and let us know if you are running late because we have an appointment schedule. If you are lost we are happy to talk through directions on the phone with you.
What should I do if I can't make my appointment?
Please always call and let us know if you are unable to attend your appointment, the more notice we have the better.
When are you open for client appointments?
Our appointments take place on weekdays from 10am – 4pm. Please give us a call to find out more on 0121 643 8109 or email us.
Where do the clothes at Smart Works Birmingham come from?
Our clothes are all donated from a mix of retailers, corporate supporters and individuals. All items are thoroughly checked when they arrive with us and only the best quality items make it out into our dressing room. We have some fabulous brands who donate directly to us including Hobbs, Whistles, Evans, M&S, John Lewis and Cabi.
What days are you open to drop off clothes donations?
We accept donations on weekdays between 10am – 4pm. Please note that we can only accept new or nearly new women’s workwear and accessories.
I'm looking to run a fundraising event for Smart Works Birmingham, what can I do to help?
We are always interested in speaking to those who are looking to fundraise for us. Please get in touch as we can send you our fundraising pack and talk through options. Please email us at birmingham@smartworks.org.uk for more information.
I'm from an organisation supporting people into work, can someone from Smart Works Birmingham come and speak to my team?
We love the opportunity to speak to referrer organisations about the work we do and how we can support your clients. We can come out and speak to teams in person or talk to your team virtually. Please contact us on 0121 643 8109 or email to speak to us.